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Alternate NSFW versions of 5 more pages of Bats On, Bats Off have been The Saucy Hippo Vault! (You can find them in Recent Additions, or read the whole uncensored story so far in Comics.)

These pages complete the story's epic "nudist jazz club" scene! I had to censor them in various ways for the S&F site, but I'm happy to be able to share the original versions here. I had a lot of fun getting to deploy this much unrestrained comedic nudity to make the scene as goofy as I wanted it to be. (It's just funnier to me when you can see all the nudity that the bats are failing to censor. It just is!)

That's all for today! But I'll be back before the month is up with more Gert's Gambit. And I've got some other fun stuff planned for y'all, too. Woo!



Alex Beaton

I think part of it is a smig more humorous uncensored.