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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what I worked on last month.

In the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as some animated GIFs of how some of them came together.  And down here, I'll provide some info about each one!

Fuzzy Burlesque
Really, what else can you say about this one? Ha ha!

But because you demanded it, I went ahead and included an "uncensored" version in the gallery above. I know, I know... I'm too generous. Just watch out... it's NSFL! (Not safe for life.)

Adult Animated Series
I created this "adult animated series" version of the S&F crew for a recent comic. The comic itself was a joke about the extra lighting effects that often get added to the movie versions to make them look higher budget, but the art itself was just a fun chance to draw my characters in a new style pastiche!

 In addition to a making-of GIF, I also included a sketch page I quickly doodled before starting on the final drawing. As you can see, I really didn't have to do much planning to figure out how to draw the gang in this art style... it came disturbingly naturally.

Stripopoly with Guests
This sfw pin-upy piece, which some of you may have seen in slightly racier form on the Saucy Hippo tier, was a commission for a reader. It features two of their own characters -- Lita and Alex -- playing a game with Ruby and Jess. It's always interesting translating someone else's characters into my own art style. I got a little carried away with my background shading, though, as you'll see in the making-of GIF in the gallery.

Fuzzy Through the Ages
Here's a look at the art for the final two pages of "Fuzzy Through the Ages"... where I made up some versions of Fuzzy from future years as a joke. As you'll see in the sketch in the gallery, I gave a little thought to how Fuzzy's design has changed shape and size over the years, and tried to imagine what direction he might plausibly go... particularly with regards to his height, eye style, and head shape. Then I applied that change in design to some very goofy narrative premises.

In the making-of GIF, you'll see that I tweaked the Hand Fuzzy art a little after the original drawing... the hands just seemed funnier if he looked happy!

Yue-agent of SHIELD
This little commission is meant to be a pun... Yue (pronounced you-ay) from Avatar, drawn as an agent of SHIELD. Youaygent of SHIELD! Get it? Rock solid joke! A+.

'til next time, team!



Alex Beaton

Buff Fuzzy. Is quite funny!