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Here's this month's link to the NSFW Saucy Hippo Vault! I just added two brand new NSFW pieces (and a bunch of variants) inspired by your Secret Santa suggestions! Find 'em in Recent Additions!

The first piece is "Jess at a party!" This was a really broad suggestion, so I decided to do an extra spicy New-Years-Eve-themed with Jess and Y. You'll find two colour schemes in the vault... one with extremely dramatic/dark lighting, and one with more normal magic cartoony lighting. (I couldn't decide which I liked more.)

The second piece is "Jess and Gert convincing Dev to wear skimpy lingerie". I definitely interpreted this one in a, uh... unique way... but that's the fun of these, right? Anyhoo, you'll find both a SFW and NSFW version in the vault.

It has been a wild few weeks here with family stuff, but I am finally back home with all my drawing equipment. (It was nice to do these Secret Santa pieces over the "break"... I drew the character art on paper while I was traveling, then drew the backgrounds and colours digitally when I got back.) Now that I finally have access to my tablet again, I've been able to resume work on Gert's Gambit. More of that next time!



The Zeruz

I think "That's how I look from behind? " would be a common reaction but here we're talking about Dev and Jess. I'm pretty sure Dev has seen her roommate do weirder things than impersonating her. Excellent piece of work as always. 😊


I actually thought about doing a joke where Dev complained that Jess's impersonation of her butt was innaccurate in some way. But I figured even Dev has to admit that Jess is way too pro to get a butt wrong.

Joshua Little

Yep, I did leave it broad for a reason.