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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In  the  gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as  some animated GIFs of how some of them came together!  And down here,  I'll provide some info about each piece!

Fuzzy the Hedgehog
This comic was honestly a guilty pleasure for me, so I'm glad other people are enjoying it, too. In case you didn't know, I am a massive lifelong Sonic fan for some inexplicable reason.

Originally, I was thinking of doing a more earnest parody, casting the S&F crew as different actual Sonic characters. But during the brainstorming process, this wound up happening instead. Whoops!

Texts from Bunsen
Bunsen -- the social media science dog I often draw illustrations for -- is going to have a book! This sketch is my current working rough mock-up for the cover. (The title has not been finalized yet, hence my goofy placeholder text.)

You'll find the original sketch (sans mockup colours and text) in the gallery above.

Self Portrait
I got the opportunity to draw a self portrait recently, to use as my "author" image in the aforementioned Bunsen book. I also had to draw a picture of a rooster. So here they both are! (Can you tell which is which?)

You'll find a full making-of GIF in the gallery above.

Sam Wuz Here
Just a cute little sketch! Someone asked for a bookplate with the personalized note "Sam Wuz Here", so I decided to have Sam write the note in person.

Avatar remake
This little commission was a fun little exercise. The commissioner asked me if I could draw my take on an old avatar image a friend drew for him years ago. The original image was VERY low res -- as avatars generally were "back in the day" -- so he was looking for something larger. It was fun trying to reinterpret the original art, especially since the low resolution meant a lot of finer details weren't really clear.

You'll find a making of GIF in the gallery above!

Board Game Night
This is an alternate "PG" version of a fun piece I drew for the Saucy Hippo tier last month. I wanted to share it here because I was just really happy with how it the colouring turned out! 

You can see how it all came together in the "making-of" GIF in the gallery above!

Halloween Art
As you probably already saw, I'm currently asking for your suggestions for this year's Halloween Dress-Up pieces!  So i thought I'd share some of my favourites from the last couple of years. You'll find them all in the gallery above!



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