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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind the scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In  the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as some animated GIFs of how some of them came together!  And down here, I'll provide some info about each piece!

Natural Wonders
I thought some of you might enjoy a look into how I made the recent photo/cartoon hybrid comics I ran on my website, so you'll see making-of GIFs for four of the pages in the gallery above.

This was a really fun and interesting challenge! I wanted the illustrated characters to feel like they fit in, but still feel like cartoons. I attempted to take a lot of inspiration from the look Gorillaz music video "Humility". The colors for the characters are flat, with simple but strong shadows and light highlights running overtop of them  to make them feel like they are being affected by the lighting conditions in the photos.

As for the photos themselves... with only a few exceptions, I actually didn't edit them. Most of the weird, surreal lighting in the river panels was present in the original photos. (And was actually what inspired me to use them for a supernatural scene.)

Shirt Cut Meme
Some of you will have seen this already on the Saucy Hippo or my twitter, but here's a closer look at the actual artwork. I drew each character on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and coloured them digitally. That's why Alicia is too big in the original artwork... I drew her to fill the page, even though she is much shorter than the other characters!

Monkeysuit Evolution
These two bookplates were drawn for the same reader, many years apart. They're both a reference to this comic. The reader thought folks would get a kick out of seeing the change in art style, and I thought so too, so here you go!

See You Soon
This other photo/cartoon experiment is a drawing of my dog Poppy climbing a (somewhat) famous playground in my old hometown of Victoria. I drew it to send to my folks before we went to visit them for the first time post quarantine. (It was their first time meeting Poppy!)

Hockey Dogs
Here's another cartoon for Bunsen and Beaker, the social media science doggos! You'll find a making-of GIF in the gallery, as well as a variant where Bunsen has a goalie mask. (It's a bit of a weird fit to get one on a dog head!)

This little buddy is a D&D character I created for a guest spot on my pals' D&D twitch stream, "Trash Heroes". Greg is, of course, named after Baker's "true dog name", as revealed in our recent story.  You'll find a making-of GIF in the gallery.

Jess Pin-Up
Last but not least, here's a sfw version of a recent Jess Star pin-up I drew for the Saucy Hippo! You'll find a making-of GIF in the gallery above. I had fun with the lighting effects!

'til next time, team!



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