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Two new pieces have been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault: my take on an art meme that's going around, and two versions of a flirty/nekkid Dev/Sam scene. You can find the full nsfw versions in Recent Additions!

The Sam/Dev piece was a commission, featuring some of the in-office mischief alluded to in comics like this one. I rarely get to revisit these two anymore, and I like drawing cute-yet-saucy couples stuff, so thanks for the the excuse, commissioner! Shirts-on-bottoms-off is a fun vibe, but I made a shirtless variant because I'm noncommittal. (I am super proud of the colouring and lighting in this one. Sometimes things just work out!)

The shirt cut meme is one I saw going around on twitter! Honestly, I mainly did it because I thought it would be a fun excuse to draw everyone in different outfits. I am not sure if I'll post the censored version publicly though because I'm a huge baby.

I am hard at work on the Gert/Sam comic! So expect more of that later this month. Cheers!



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