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Here's this month's link to the Saucy Hippo Vault, team! I just added four new files: a new page of Private Time, and three versions of a new Ruby and Jess piece! You can find the full, uncensored versions of all of them in Recent Additions! (Or read the whole comic so far in Comics!)

This is the penultimate page of Private Time! I will be back very soon with the final page, which sets up what's next for Dev. I'll also be posting this year's big Saucy Hippo survey. I wanted to wait until this chapter was done before doing the survey, because I'm going to be asking about what storylines and types of saucy stuff you most want to see next!

The Ruby and Jess "beach day" piece is, of course, building off the recent bonus comic! Jess really needs to suit up for a day at a surface beach! Ruby does not, lol. I've included the SFW version above, and the nekkid (well, half nekkid) version in the vault. 

I think it might be fun to do a "beach night" piece later!



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