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Two especially saucy new pages of Private Time have been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault! (And yes, they be so saucy I found it a little difficult to make a preview image, lol.) You can find the full nsfw versions in Recent Additions or Comics.

Whew! It took some time to wrap my head around some of the tricky poses and layouts for these ones. Easily some of the most challenging comics I've ever drawn for the Saucy Hippo. And also some of the raciest, I guess! So I hope you enjoy them, for either or both of these reasons. 

More to come soon!




Now THIS is character development! Though seriously, this really is some great character development for Dev while also being hot as fuck. Just really great work all around, keep it up!

Smile Dip

That soft release of the clenched hand, mmph!