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The first of March's backer-chosen bonus pieces is done! Voters decided this month's Gertrude pin-up should have a "ninja fitness workout" theme. I am... not entirely sure what a ninja mafia fitness workout entails, but it looks like they probably go through a lot of punching bags.

The other big winner this month was Sam and Fuzzy dressed as "infamously terrible 90s gaming mascots". I just have to decide which mascots! Any suggestions? I'm partial to Bubsy.

$5+ backers: you can look forward to concept sketches, process images, high res finals and maybe some alternate versions of both vote pieces in the next issue of Sam and Fuzzy Extra, as well as the usual assortment of other bonus stuff. Woo!

-Sam Logan




No, wait...Boogerman!


Cool Spot! The... uh... 7up game. (Does that soda even exist anymore...?)


I'd feel bad about Cool Spot! He's mostly forgotten now for sure, but I think his game is generally remembered pretty fondly. (It was quite good!) Don't wanna pick on the poor little guy. :)