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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind the scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as some process images.  And down here, I'll  provide some info about each piece!

Bonus Q & A, Part 2
Last month's Q&A comic was penciled and inked on paper, but this month's was drawn entirely digitally! Could you tell the difference? I drew it on my Intuos 4 tablet in Photoshop CS2. (I have a cintiq now, too... but it doesn't work with my ancient version of Photoshop, and I'm still learning how to use it with Clip Studio!)

Cat Character Sketches, Pt. 2
Back in October, I shared some sketches of a new cat character. That character is actually going to be appearing in my next big story, so I've been working a little more on finalizing their design! It has been a little tricky -- I want the way they look and move to have this particular feel that's quite different from my other cats, and it has taken me some time to nail down what exactly it actually is. But I think I am finally getting somewhere. Haha!

Megavolt and River City Jess & Gert
I added some copic marker colours to these two pieces when I sold the original art during my art sale last year! I quite like how they both turned out, so I thought I'd share them here. (Since COVID happened, I have not had as many chances to work with copics as I usually do! They are my goto for comic convention sketching, and in some years I've drawn a couple hundred con sketches or more. But now, I haven't been to a con since March 2020, and I suspect I won't be able to go to any this year, either!)

Arrested Plot Development
This sketch was actually a little commission I did quite a while back, now! I imagined it as what might have happened in an alternate timeline where Dev wound up getting a job working for Detective Morris, rather than N-M-S. You gotta admit, it definitely would have made the story a lot shorter! (But it would also have made Dev a lot less popular with Gert.)

These days, SEGA refers to the 90s version of Sonic as "Classic" Sonic, and the current Sonic as "Modern" Sonic. 

"Classic" Sonic has a really particular look these days. And when you see "Classic" Sonic appear on things like merchandise, he tends to be drawn in this art style:

But I was just thinking about how, when I was a kid in the 90s, that particularly style was actually just one of the many, many different styles of Sonic floating around. At the height of his popularity, Sonic was depicted with some pretty radically different designs depending on what game, game box, tv show, comic, or merch you were looking at. (I feel like companies today are just much, much more rigid today about keeping characters looking consistent across all regions and media.)

Anyway, these two drawings were my attempt to draw two different "Classic" Sonic looks from memory. (I drew them during a D&D game, haha!) The one on the left is what I remembered his game sprite looking in Sonic 3. The one on the right is how I remembered him looking in the early issues of his American comic book.

And then, as a bonus, here is Sonic with a Furby face. I'm sorry.

Fresh Loaf Comic vs Thumbnail
I like this comic a lot, but y'know... there was something extra funny to me about the way the fourth panel looked in the crappy thumbnail sketch that just isn't quite the same in the final. It happens! But now I can share it with you here. You'll also find the full making-of GIF in the gallery above.

'til next time!



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