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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with two brand new NSFW pages of Private Time! You can find the full uncensored versions in Recent Additions, or read the entire story so far in Comics.

This month, I'm going to really focus on comic pages here on the old Saucy Hippo! I like doing illustrations, too -- I had tons of fun doing our Nudevember and Secret Santa pieces -- but I think everyone will be eager to see the rest of this scene. It's going to be fun!

Speaking of thinking about what kinds of things I'll focus on... it's about time for me to create a new Saucy Hippo annual survey! Like previous years, I'll use the survey results to help decide what kind of things I make for Saucy Hippo rewards in 2021.

I'm still busy putting the survey together, so I thought I'd ask... is there anything you think I should ask about this time, that I didn't last time? (Here is last year's survey, if you need a reminder.)



Smile Dip

I see it's time for a >:3c mood