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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind the scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as some process images.  And down here, I'll  provide some info about each piece!

Q and A
I had a lot of fun making this! You know, when I described the idea and put out the call for questions, I didn't realize I would wind up making most of the answers jokes. But that was just where my brain wanted to go with them!

I will definitely do this again! I also think it might be interesting in the future to try using this format with questions I make up myself... maybe a series of questions for one character, like an interview or a fictional reddit AMA?

Arcade Icons

These drawings were the final stage of a big commission project -- creating artwork to decorate someone's custom arcade unit!  In the gallery above, you'll see a process GIF of the art being made. I sketched these ones on paper, then inked them digitally to give them an extra clean look.

By this point, we'd already finished all the art for the sides and header of the machine -- as you've seen in the September, October, and November S&F Extras. So now, it was time for the last step: creating some smaller "cut out" images for the front of the unit, to serve as labels for some of the buttons:
-X and Y will go next to the 1 player/2 player select
-Nicole will go next to the button used to access the game library
-Rexford will go next to the settings button
-Fuzzy will go next to the "coin slot"
-Hazel and Brain will be placed below and above the screen!

This project was a ton of fun! The commissioner said they'll send me some photos of the finished machine to share with you all when it's done. 

Eleanor Vs. Mr. Fern
I do a lot of pet commissions, as you know... but this was the first time I was asked to draw one in the style of a monster movie poster! I'm really happy with how this one turned out. It was drawn 100% on paper with pencils, inks and copic markers. Check out the GIF in the gallery to see it come together!

Underwater Battle
And speaking of monster battles... behold, Sam Squid vs. Dev Whale! This unusual commission was a ton of fun to draw. And unlike Eleanor vs. Mr. Fern, this one was inked and colored entirely digitally, which opens up a whole different library of colouring possibilities, especially for an underwater scene. In the gallery, you'll find a GIF showing each layer of shading and water effects I applied to reach the final look. There are a lot!

Batt Butts
OK, so here's the story behind this one! 

For the Saucy Hippo, I recently drew a little four-part set of Cynthia performing a relatively traditional burlesque act. I liked it, but I felt like it just needed a little extra something to make it "special". So, taking some inspiration from this comic, I added an extra drawing to the end, in which Cynthia explodes into a cloud of bats with goofy little butts. Perfect!

I drew the rest of Cynthia's set on paper, Inktober style. But since the bats were an impromptu late addition I made while I was colouring the others, I actually drew them entirely in Photoshop. You can see the "magic" happen in the GIF in the gallery! 



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