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It's Nudevember, your favourite extremely real holiday. So, I'm gonna draw a nude scene! (Or two.) Vote here to help pick what it is! I have brainstormed and pitched a variety of locations where someone might get nekkid, but you can also nominate your own. You can also help suggest who is getting nekkid, and if they are doing it for comedic, pin-upy, or smutty reasons.  Vote by Friday! (Go go go!)

Meanwhile, I have not 1, not 2, but 3 new pages of comics for you! These three were all (technically) sfw, so I've included them all above. But you can read all the pages so far in the Pin-Up Vault! 

I am glad you all have been so supportive of my desire to do longer, more story driven comics! I found this entire chapter so far incredibly entertaining to both write and draw, and I'm glad so many of you are enjoying it. 

That said, if anyone is worried about the relatively lack of nudity thus far, well, uh... let's just say you will not have to worry about that for any of the rest of the pages in this chapter. (lollll)




In the survey there's a question about would you rather it be Sexy/Adult or Silly/Comedic, and frankly I object, because you've drawn so many pieces already that are Sexy/Adult that still had me rolling with laughter, or Comedy pieces that had me drooling on my laptop they were so sexy. So yeah, you have a gift in finding an incredible balance, and I love it :D <3


Haha, thank you! This tier is for sexy stuff! So all three options on the survey (comedic/silly scene, pin-up pose, sex/adult scene) are meant to make sexy drawings. It's really just me asking people what element they'd like me to prioritize. If "comedic scene" wins, I'll prioritize coming up with a sexy idea that's funny. If "sex scene" wins, I'll prioritize coming up with a sexy idea that has people fooling around. But like... a sex scene might still include a comedy element, or a comedic scene might involve people fooling around. It depends on the winning setting and the ideas I come up with for it! (For example, if I'm doing a "comedic scene" on the saucy hippo stage, it is probably going to be a joke about a performance, not people getting laid... but if I'm doing a "comedic scene" in a bedroom, I may very well choose to make in a sex joke. Make sense?)

Alex Beaton

Is this story nearing the end? It's the longest so far.


It's a big one, and it's not done yet! This story is basically made up of three relatively separate parts: -Dev and X at the gym -Sam's performance for Gert at the Saucy Hippo -third thing that starts on the next page I'm treating 'em as one big chapter, but I guess I also could have labelled it as three shorter ones.