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Boo! Here's a second batch of Eektober pieces based on your suggestions. 

-Zombie Sin: A zombie space gopher in a zombi-fied robot suit! I don't think I'll ever reveal what Sin's "Space Gopher" really looks like, but I could get away with showing it here by making it too decomposed to be recognizable.

-Ballerina Rexford: I thought it would be funny if Rex was actually good at this. Those shoes are probably very uncomfortable, though.

-She Hulk Jess: Pow! This one was a Saucy Hippo request! But I really like how it turned out, so I added a smidge more of She Hulk's costume so I could share this variant here. 

-Magical Trevor: This is maybe a deep cut... Trevor dressed as Magical Trevor from the web series Weeble and Bob.

-Boo Mario and Gooiji, Oogie Boogie, Pennywise, and Nightmare King Grimm. I drew these fan art pieces for my social media, but I thought I'd post them here too! (They are from the Mario Series, The Nightmare Before Christmas, It, and Hollow Knight, respectively.)

Thanks for all your ideas! I'm going to draw some more ink pieces this month, too, but I'm trying to decide what theme (if any) I use for the next batch. Any suggestions?




Oh dang, I think Jess as She-Hulk was my suggestion! Hurray!

James M

Perhaps moustache themed?