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I know I just posted, but here's a little something extra! There's a meme going around on twitter (under the Japanese hashtag #I字バランス部) of drawing characters in this specific leg lift pose. I thought I'd take a crack at it, since Gert is supposed to actually be this flexible. (Dev not so much).

I drew these in the style of my previous "Inktober" pieces! I'll be drawing some more "Inktober style" pieces later this month -- including some pin-up/nsfw-y ones for the Saucy Hippo, as is tradition. You can help suggest characters or piece ideas in our latest poll! (Vote by Oct 16th.)

In the gallery above, I've included some examples of previous year's Inktober pin-ups. (Dev has a whole 10-part striptease set, so I just included two examples.) I've also added an "Inktober" folder to the vault that rounds them all up and includes the uncensored versions, when they exist.

All my Inktober pieces are made by penciling and inking them directly on paper and then just photographing them. I have a lot of fun trying to work 100% traditionally. (Although the alternate color/gray-shaded versions are done in Photoshop, of course.) It's also fun using physical objects for creative censorship.  



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