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This month, I've been busy finishing my second pin-up art ebook. (It should be coming out later this week. Yay!)

Here's a peek at how the cover came together. I took the unusual (for me) step of penciling it twice -- first on physical paper, then a second time digitally, tracing/refining the two characters separately so that I could fuss around with exactly how I placed them in relation to one another. In the end, I wound up moving Mr. X further to the left, hence the reversal of Dev's eyeline.

I am not sure how universal interest is in my pin-up work over here on Patreon -- I assume it can't be everyone's bag, even if it is mostly comedy-focused -- but if enough folks are interested, I'd be happy to include some more making-of stuff in the February issue of Sam and Fuzzy Extra!




Oooo I love seeing the process! Not sure if you read these comments, but what ethnicity is X (and Y for that matter)?


I sure do! I picture X as an Arab dude and Y as being of some sort of Scandinavian descent.


ooo~ cool! Are... any of the members of the Ninja Mafia actually Japanese? (Because it would be pretty hilarious if not.)