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Guess what? Three new NSFW comic pages have been added to the Pin-Up Vault, kicking off the next part of our story! You can find them in Recent Additions, or read all our comics in chapter order in the Comics folder.

These three pages work nicely as a little vignette, but there's more of "Private Time" on the way. (And in case you were concerned, this chapter also includes more of Sam, Gert, and Jess Star's story, too. It's all connected! We are weaving a rich tapestry of smutty nonsense, here.)

I would normally have posted this update a little earlier in June, but I was so busy with the kickstarter, it took me a little extra time to get all three pages finished! But I'm back on schedule now, and I'll be back soon with more Saucy Hippo goodness.



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