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A big update has just arrived in the Pin-Up Vault! You can find all the new stuff in Recent Additions, including:

-2 new comic pages of (In)decent Proposal
-3 versions of a very nsfw Alicia piece 

I'm continuing to have a ton of fun with the current comic story, and I'm glad to hear you all are, too! It was very entertaining to write all this flirty negotiating. I hope you are looking forward everyone delivering on their various promises, lol. (And also seeing how Dev and Jess Star's storylines are going to kind of intertwine with this one.)

I've also got a new Alicia piece for y'all! This one's another experiment in drawing some straight ahead smut. What do you think of this kind of thing? This might sound a little silly, but it's probably a good idea for me to practice drawing various actual adult "activities" so that I can pull off some upcoming comic scenes. Anyway, I included a couple of variants of this one, including one with her uniform (or part of it anyway) from her job at the costume shop we saw her working at in Spooky Suggestions.

Whew! That was a lot of stuff. But before we go, I wanted to say one thing re: my current kickstarter! As I'm sure you are all aware, I'm currently crowdfunding the final Sam and Fuzzy books. Since a couple of people have asked, I just wanted to confirm: yes, I am ok with doing pin-up and adult commissions for the two "Commission" tiers. I didn't want to mention it on the project page since the overall project is all ages. But it's fine with me if that's what you'd like... and of course, other kinds of commissions are also fine! (Please keep your bookplate requests pg-13 or lower, though, if you don't mind. It is way too hard to draw sexy anatomy-focused stuff that small, lol)

'til next time, team!



Jack Allen

diggin the story, diggin the smut. keep up the good, dirty work!

Gerrix (SilverTurian)

Vulfie teaching stripping? Sign me up! Loving the story, looking forward to more!