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Three more new pages of our latest nsfw comic have been added to the Pin-Up Vault! You can find 'em in Recent Additions or Comics folders

That's right... another 3 pages, already! Can you tell I am having fun with this story? I could have spread them out, but I thought these three made for a fun singular package. Twists! Intrigue! Goofy jokes! (Plus, yes, I also wanted to get to the part with the naked people.)

I was also eager to get to page 8 for one other, kind of silly reason. As it turns out, according to your 2020 surveys, this page (completely coincidentally) features (spoilers ahead):

-the current most requested character (Jess, who is ahead of Dev by one vote, lol)
-the current most requested character pairing (Jess and Gert)
-in the most requested type of post (comics)

It's wasn't intentional, since I wrote the script for this whole story over a month ago, but I thought it was funny coincidence. (The next comic update will also include all these things, so I hope you enjoy that one, too, lol.)

And speaking of those surveys... you should definitely go fill it out, if you haven't already! Your responses will help me decide what kind of stuff I share here throughout the year -- which characters you like, which types of posts you enjoy, and how racy it does or doesn't get. Pow!

'til next time, team!



James M

It's a good thing Sam has prior vest ripping experience.


dropbox link seems to be broken?


Hi Eli! The link changes each month, but you'll find all this art and all the previous updates at the link in the most recent post!