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Two new NSFW pages of "(In)decent Proposal" have just been added to the vault! (You can find the full pages in either Recent Additions or Comics!) 

And once you've read 'em, don't forget... you can now take the 2020 Saucy Hippo survey, and help pick what kind of characters, comics, and smutty stuff I draw for this tier in the future!

I gotta tell you, I'm having a lot of fun with this current comic! On page 5, Sam is of course referring to the this specific moment in the "Off the Sauce" storyline of the "regular" Sam and Fuzzy comic.  

If there is anyone here who hasn't read Off the Sauce, I'd recommend it! It's one of my favs. It's also kind of the proto-version of these Saucy Hippo comics. And not just because it's about burlesque! It's also one of the only S&F stories that stars the core 6 Saucy Hippo cast ( Dev, Jess, Gert, Sam, X, and Y) as a group, and where a lot of their interpersonal dynamics were first explored.  These next two chapters in particular are going to follow up on a lot of that! (And it's going to be a lot of fun doing so in a comic where adult content is actually allowed, haha.)



Electro Wizard

So does this mean we will be seeing Jess's cat burlesque show in the future?


Soooooooort of! I am not sure if we'll see Jess' actual horrifying "Cats movie"-themed act, because it might be funnier to just hear it described. But this is not the end of gags involving cat versions of Jess.

James M

I see Sam (Samms) has secretly been a very horny man all along.