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Greetings, team. It's time for a fresh installment of S&F Extra! Here's a behind the scenes look at what I worked on last month. 

In the gallery above, you'll find step-by-step animated GIFs chronicling the making of each piece, followed by PNGs of each individual step. And down here, I'll provide more info about each piece!

King Knight

Shovel Knight is one of my favourite video games of all time, and the new King Knight campaign may be my favourite of all of 'em! I love all the weirdly-themed Knights in that game, and it's been a lot of fun seeing so many of them get expanded on as the game has grown.

Shovel Knight's art has a really recognizable style, with cartoony designs and a lot of strong, solid colour schemes. I think it really meshes nicely with my own art proclivities. 

I'd like to take a crack at some of the other Knights in the future! I've actually drawn Spectre Knight and Plague Knight before, during my 2017 and 2019 Inktobers -- I've included those pieces in the gallery above.

Jesse's Girl

I had a lot of fun doing the extremely goofy Jess Star's Christmas Miracle special, so I decided to commemorate it with this goofy romance cover. 

I set the cover at night so that it could include all three of "Jesse's" fields of education... reading, turkey sciences, and astronomy.

I hope folks enjoyed this story! It was my first story since completing Sam and Fuzzy's main saga, so I imagine a lot of people might have been looking at it extra hard to try and discern what I'm going to be doing next. I would like to do more silly little stories like this one, but my intent is to do all sorts of different stuff... from stand alone gag strips all the way to longer stories and storylines.

Dog Portrait

This is an unusual dog portrait for me, in that it was drawn digitally rather than with markers. The commissioner wanted to print it on a very large canvas, so I drew it digitally (and very high res) so that it would reproduce nicely. 

It was particularly challenging capturing that fur patterning! That's something I can do quite easily with my brush markers, but that I find a little tricker to do with a tablet. I think it turned out nicely, though!


You may recall that in the past, I designed a bunch of mascot characters for a Ukulele educational program. This map is for that same program, and is one of three that I drew for them! Kids can use the maps to track their progress through the program's various units.

As you can see in the individual steps in the gallery, we made a couple of changes at the very end of drawing this one. The colour changes were to allow it to print better in CMYK, and the rocket was added because the next unit's map takes place in space. (Well, and also because it was kind of weird to end the map by jumping into a volcano.)

Reindeer Dog

One last Christmas piece for you all... a little reindeer doggo. If you're someone who celebrates Christmas, I hope you had a good one! I know I did.

'til next time, friends!



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