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It's time! The first of our winning "Secret Santa" request pieces is here. It stars Andrea, and is very NSFW. (Which is kind of funny, considering that it clearly takes place at Andrea's workplace.) You can see the full 18+ version in the Recent Additions section of the Pin-Up Vault. 

Rest assured, I had a lot of personal leeway with how I chose to draw this one. Yes, the suggestion was to see Andrea riding a, as Herman Katz would put it, "dooooong". But there were plenty of ways I could have made a drawing based on that idea that was not explicit, or that was sillier or framed by some goofy comedic device. But ultimately, I decided it'd be most fun to take the opportunity to just run with it and do something unusually smutty. (It also meant I could keep the identity of Andrea's Bunton Books backroom partner a secret... for now, anyway, haha.)

As you may have noticed, for this Patreon I've tended to frame my most "adult" drawings in the context of longer character-driven comic stories... especially stories that are comedy driven and that have a lot of teasing and build-up. (Our last comic being a fine example.) I really like those kind of comics, and I'm glad you all do to! But I won't lie... I also think that more overt, straight-ahead, "guilty pleasure" smut like this can be fun sometimes, too.

As always, I'd love to hear what you think! Do you dig this kind of thing? Do you prefer when any smutty stuff is more subtle, or part of a story? Or do you like a little of everything?

Anyhow, that's a wrap for today! But still to come: our second Secret Santa winner, a bunch of sketches based on some of your other ideas, and the start of our next comic!



Jack Allen

this one is a real winner, excellent work!


Oh man, I always thought Andrea was super hot and I am only more convinced now :drool:


I feel like I am a lot better at drawing Andrea now than I was back in the Classic era! I had no idea how to draw the kind of body type I imagined she had back then. She looks so petite in her original appearances to me now!