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Team! A bunch of new goodies are headed your way real soon. But while I get that ready... it's time for this year's Saucy Hippo Secret Santa Random Draw! 

Like last year, I'm inviting each of you to submit an idea for one Saucy Hippo drawing that you'd really like to see. After Dec 1st, I will put all your ideas in a (metaphorical) hat, pick TWO ideas TOTALLY AT RANDOM, and draw 'em for a future Saucy Hippo update. I like doing this as a fun little bonus for the holiday season... a surprise gift for everyone that'll feel extra special for the two winners.

I encourage you to submit whatever idea you'd be most happy to see win... tame or smutty, silly or serious, as simple as a basic character request or as complex as a scene description. You'll find some limited rules on the submission page, but I'm mainly only asking people to avoid stuff that is either super icky or just way too complicated. I think part of the fun is opening it up and seeing what you all suggest.

Happy submitting! And see you again soon with some new comics and a surprise fan art pin-up. Woo!




Ahaha there are so many fun suggestions! I might have to do a couple of these later even if they don't win...