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The Pin-Up Vault has been updated with a ton of seasonal goodies for October/Inktober, all of which can be found in Recent Additions! 

"Spooky Suggestions Pg. 1" is the start of a short new comic about Nicole and Tats! It is sort of about Halloween, but it's mostly about wildly inappropriate fitting room activities. This one is gonna be a little shorter and smuttier than our previous stories, but I think it's also pretty funny, so there should ultimately be something for everyone!

"Dev Inktober 1-5" is the first half of an experimental new Striptease Set, drawn in the style of my Inktober pieces! It stars the oft-requested "adventurous college goth-phase" Dev, and will be getting a little racier than her first set. The rest of the set arrives with our next update!

There are two versions of the Inktober set... one featuring the actual original pure black-and-white line-art, and one with a little digital shading added. I also experimented with including one colour version. What do you think? Which style is your favourite?



Kelley Engineering

May I purchase one of the Inktober pinups again Sam? I feel like it's a Kelley tradition at this point.


But of course! I like this tradition, haha! I'll be selling all my inktobers for $40 each, including these ones! Let me know if there was one in particular you wanted! (Or if you want to wait to see them all first!)