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Friends! After some consideration, I've decided to move the Patreon Art blog off-site, to the Sam and Fuzzy forum!  You can find it right here:


There are two new posts in there, ready for you to read... one with a preview of Monday's comic, and one about the creation of the Ethics are for Humans shirt!

To read the blog, all you have to do is enter the password, which is currently "alphonso". You don't need a S&F forum account to view the posts... but I encourage you to sign up for one (if you don't already have one), so you can comment and participate in polls and stuff!

Why am I running the blog off-site?

Well, my plan is to update it really frequently, and I'd like to do that without cluttering the heck out of your Patreon feeds and burying you in email notifications.  Instead, I'll use this Activity Feed to make a "blog round up" post here once or twice a month, summing up all the stuff I've posted recently, and providing the forum's new password if needed!

The forum format will also let me make updates to specific posts (which will be great for artwork that is in progress over a long period of time), and run votes and polls. It should be a lot of fun. See you there!




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