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The Pin-Up Vault has been updated with three new goodies -- two comic pages and one pin-up! You can find all three in the Recent Additions folder.

Our new comic, "Steamy Suggestions," picks up right where "Stripopoly" left off! Rather than focusing on a single contained scene, this one will be more of an ongoing story revolving around Dev and co.'s sex and dating lives... like an "After Dark" version of regular Sam and Fuzzy where adult subject matter is allowed. (And no, I don't mean income taxes.)  In these first two pages, the adult subject matter is mainly in the dialogue, but rest assured, there will be plenty of nsfw visuals, too.

Speaking of nsfw visuals, there's also a new selfie-themed pin-up of Detective Morris' girlfriend, Erin Cooper. Will there be a reciprocal sequel? Erin certainly thinks there should be. She's an ambitious lady!



Jack Allen

love that selfie, great stuff