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Surprise! Gert's Debut Pg. 9 can now be found in the Comics or Recent Additions folder of the Pin-Up Vault! It is nsfw! Unless you work somewhere that's cool with nekkid people.

(Also: if you haven't yet, please take the pin-up survey, and help me decide what comics and pin-ups I do next, which characters show up, and how saucy things get!)

I gather from the survey that you guys are quite fond of the comic updates, and I didn't want to leave you on page 8's cliffhanger for too long, so I thought I'd prioritize getting more of Gert's Debut done... hence the three pages in such rapid succession! This page is the big nekkid finale of Gert's stage performance, but the story itself is not actually done yet... there are some post-show shenanigans with Gert and Jess still to come. Look forward to that, as well as some fun stuff with different characters, in the imminent future!



James M

It is now a recurring theme that in these comics, Jess will make someone nude.


Haha yeah! Now I'm not sure whether I need to never do it again, or lean into it and make it a running gag