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Here's this month's link to the Pin-Up Vault! 

Joining the rest of last month's pieces in the Recent Additions folder is the winner of last month's "Birthday Suit" poll: Dev taking a (definitely nsfw) "inappropriate selfie". 

In this particular case, it's inappropriate both because she's naked AND because her phone is definitely not waterproof. Don't drop it, Dev! 

You'll find two versions of the drawing in the vault... one of the photo itself, and one of the phone of whoever she sent it to. I tried to challenge myself a bit with the perspective of this one, both to make it visually interesting and to make it very different from the Dev art that'll be in the next Stripopoly comic. I think it turned out pretty cool!



Jack Allen

god damn this ones good

James M

Nice perspective. But man, Dev has a tendency to win these polls lol. Was it even close?


Dev actually was only two votes ahead of Gert this time! I got a real broad array of suggestions for character because it was fill in the blank. The real landslide this time was the category vote... "inappropriate selfie" got over 50% of the votes! (The next closest was "bedroom antics", with only 15%.) I like doing poll based pieces now and then, but I'll keep doing other stuff for the majority 'em! It's good for variety... and I know there's also a lot of characters that are unlikely to win votes, but that sizeable chunks of backers would really like to see more of. (Like Candice, Morris, X, and Y.)