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Remember Ninja Rules Stripopoly? Here's page 2! I've censored it here, in case anyone is browsing at work, but you can find the uncensored nsfw version in the new Comics folder of the Pin-Up Vault. 

Comics are a lot more work to draw than stand-alone pin-ups, but I got the impression a lot of people really enjoyed the first page, so I'd like to keep at it. I mean, at least until one person actually has to get naked. It's a sacred tradition!

(In seriousness, if you'd like to see more comic pages interspersed among future pin-up posts... comment, message, or use that like button to let me know!)



James M

So... are those fake X arms or real?


Haha! X is wearing two "realistic" robot arms, like the one he wore during the "Off the Sauce" chapter where they went undercover as burlesque performers at the the Katts compound. I tried to draw a little bit of a visible seam there. The arms forced me to decide when exactly this takes place!