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Last reminder:  if you haven't already, be sure to take the Pin-Up survey! You've got until the 31st to weigh in on who you'd like to see in future pin-ups, what types of pieces you'd like to see, and how saucy you think they should be. Pow!  

OK... I've got a couple of EXPERIMENTS for you today, pin-up friends!

First up: an actual comic page! Comics are really labour intensive, which is why I haven't done a ton of them for Patreon before. But maybe having a little story to work away at now and then would be worth it? What do you guys think? Do you want to see more pages of this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT CANON STRIPOPOLY STORYLINE in particular, or comics in general? 

Second up: a new pair of variants of the Dev Webcam piece! (One is nsfw.) You'll find 'em in the Recent Additions folder of the Pin-Up Vault. 

I feel like pin-ups come in two flavours:  "model"-style, where the character is actively posing for the camera; or "natural"-style, where they're immersed in a scene and unaware of the 4th wall. For the original webcam piece, I went with the later, but not before trying these variants to see what it would be like as the former. I thought people might be interested in seeing them so they can compare the different vibes they give off! (And ok, also because Dev is actually topless in one of these ones.)

Thank you for your continued indulging of my pin-uping, team! I'm having a lot of fun getting to do more of this stuff, and hearing about what kind of stuff you like. Pow!



Jack Allen

i'm down with the idea of occasional saucy comics, for sure. i like the new areas you've been exploring lately with your art.

Electro Wizard

Why do I get the odd feeling her luck will run out in that game?


Well we'd never know unless I drew more pages! haha I suppose in the spirit of true gambling I could pick the loser randomly...