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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with the final page of Personal Training, a big spicy Dev and X piece, and a bonus Jess pin-up!

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At last, it is Jess's turn to be a little frustrated. (Although for somewhat different reasons.) There seem to be a lot of job openings in the shoulder devil department lately!

Jess can only imagine what's going on in that bedroom, but you don't have to, because I drew a big smutty illustration of it. Congrats to Dev and X for finally being able to appear in this kind of piece! (lol) What do you think of this colouring style?

Finally, as a little bonus, I also included a photo of a marker-coloured version of Jess's profile portrait! I really like this piece. (It's why I use it as my avatar on my saucycomics social accounts!)

I hope you dig all this stuff! Lots more to come, as always. See you then!




Oh, wow, it feels like it was just yesterday that Jess was enticing Dev to play ninja stripopoly by mentioning X (and Y) would be on the table, and now we’ve come full circle at last… because it was in fact 6 years ago https://www.patreon.com/posts/16630321