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I really really really want to title these chapters The Library Arc but I...I need to stop myself from spoiling for everyone else😭 I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I know [spoiler ahead!] people want the sexy but sometimes we need the nerdy...!

Also wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you for being here. The overarching script for Season 2 has been set since last year, but I know I'm not as fast as I wish I can be. It's taken a while but we're finally going through an important arc. There's more to come and I can't wait to share the rest of this story with all of you :') Thank you all for being a part of this community.

Alsooo, super super tentative, but I'm planning on relaunching my store on Dec 1 for Patrons, and discount codes will be announced end of November so please watch out for them!! Some updates: everything is being restocked and Zine Two is currently on its way to my store manager.

I feel a little nervous about writing too much here as I have a tendency to do that...! But I really, really wanted to take the time to tell you guys that so many, SO MANY amazing people have helped me along the way of making Zine Two, from the printing, to packaging, to shipping and to my amazing store manager. I have learned a lot from everyone in their respective professions and expertise, who have been beyond kind and reassuring in my many moments of worry and overthinking. I couldn't have done it all alone, and I couldn't have done it without all of you.

I am really proud of Zine Two, and I'm really, really excited for it!!!




This is super cute, and I'm excited to hear it's not too late to order Zine 2!!


yknow, as a librarian, this chapter makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 😊