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YESS WE ARE ON TRACK!! I want to be on time every week like this weeeeek💖🙏 Hope you guys like this one :)

Also!!!!! Super big thanks to everyone who contributed thoughts and ideas to the Take Off physical book post I made earlier this week- to see the interest behind a passion project that is super important to me means A LOT, and I truly wish to do the best I can with it. It'll take some time before things are set in motion, but I have gathered all your thoughts and words on a google doc and multiple spreadsheets, and I'm working through to evaluate how best to do things and what I need to prep+make. Hopefully we'll get there soon❤️

Thank you all!




That's what happens when you're an honest person and you lie... that nauseous feeling of being deceitful. I anticipate Andrew will panic and shout he's a virgin while they're still in public 😄

Miss Rae, if ya nasty

I could literally cry lmao like they way I felt for my boy was on another level. Poor andrew my sweet sweet andrew


Andrew you poor thing… Nathan is naughty and Andrew wants to hide lol


He’s a virgin!😭 and poor baby telling a lie and feeling uneasy… I so relate 😭


Omg that strange sickness in ur stomach is so relatable


Fr! When ur inexperienced and nervous and scared to tell the truth! I’ve been there


Oh no Andrew, you need to be honest!! He’s already feeling bad about it too! 😭 Hopefully he will realize soon that he needs to communicate with Nathan


Poor Andrew, he panicked 😔


I keep forgetting Andrew is a canon virgin. Dang it! I’m going to be feeling anxious until the next episode right along with him, I hope he doesn’t lie himself into a corner. And Nathan should take it easy with him, I have a feeling he can see right through him.


Poor Andrew!!! And LORDT the faces he made in this chapter 🤣🤣🤣 I hope he’s honest with Nathan soon, because that anxiety will give him a heart attack.


I understand where Andrew's coming from. I've been blunt af about my grey-asexuality and lack of experience and its gotten me turned down many times. Always stick to your boundaries. The right person will respect that and allow a mutual connection whether sexual heavy or not.


poor baby andrew, be honest with him


Nathan is so cock-sure. I love it!