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Gahhhhh there were things I wanted to try to accomplish in this chapter but subtlety... is so hard... I hope the right emotions were conveyed but always down to read your interpretations! 



Danyell Jones

I love the detail of the different signatures... dunno why that stuck with me! Also poor shy Andrew, he's going through it.


Wait he's already taken this class? Lmao


OMG! Andrew is adorable. Such a shy boy.

Charliie Kreitzer

Oh, baby 😢 Don't worry, you're still special for NATE

Magena Cermak

I wish there was more ahhh I hate waiting but I get it


Absolutely adorable! I love the internal conflict of trying not to be too quite, but also not too familiar, but also not obviously different... Poor thing but fabulous job!!


Andrew looks like he wants to say something so bad and be part of the “banter”. And I love how Nathan shut down the “Nate” girl. Like have a seat gurl.


Wait what’s the point of getting him to the class if he’s already taken it then? And he’s not contributing anything lol. Just to see the TA?? Lmao

Janoha Novella

Wait, why is he aching? Is it because he regrets what he said about not wanting to talk/participate in class?


His internal debate is so cute! Also yes Nathan put that girl in her place!


Why did it bother me so much that he skipped a line on the sign-in sheet


Gahhhhh yes I wanted to portray a more jealous side of him, and that he’s completely oblivious to it because he’s never felt jealous over anyone! And I wanted to contrast that with him not wanting to participate- it’s him and his contradictory feelings of wanting to be left alone and unnoticed, but because of Nathan, he’s beginning to desire being seen, all while juggling the fear of not being as special as he think he is to Nathan. Ahhhhh I wanted to capture all of this subtly and not through direct text, but I still got lots to work on in terms of storytelling!!😭


Can I just say how much I appreciate when you guys notice these little details😭😭😭it was a LOT of undo and redo to get the different handwritings XDD


Ahhhhhh yes I wanted to show that it’s a fear for Andrew!! Not being as special as he thinks he is even if Nathan says it a billion times😭


Y-yeah…. Rly just so they can see each other real soon cjsbsksbslsdbs😫😫


Ashsjdjsksjslks i know it’s such a smol thing but it was intentional!!!


“Lover Boy” ahhhh feels overload! Jui you’ve captured the emotions so well! Lol the panels where Andrew is annoyed by other classmates is hilarious. And they way he stares at Nathan bc he’s just in awe… love it so much! Thank you for spoiling us with 3 updates this month! 💜


Ooof - just watching him repeatedly look back and forth every panel during that banter just made me wanna bite his adorable little cheekies (but the problem is WHICH cheekies....whachuthink 😎)


Oh I definitely caught most of this! Except the fact that he was oblivious to feeling jealous. I thought it was pretty obvious that he felt jealous and a bit left out. Can def relate to that feeling of not knowing all these people r, and feeling alone in a crowd. (Especially in the panels where everyone else but him and Nathan were coloured — everyone else is just a blur, but a crowd nonetheless).


And especially cuz this is all so new to him, AND starting sth new is always scary cuz ur always gonna doubt how much the other person likes u — that is until u get to a point where ur more sure


Wonder what’ll happen if Lulu or Reyes just call out “hey, didn’t you already pass this class?” The poor boy would die 😂😂😂

Miss Rae, if ya nasty

I can not get over these two they are just so damn cute




Nooo why does Patreon hate me these days - doesn't give me notifications 😭 I'm so late 😭😅 I adore the way Andrew adores Nathan! The gaze upon him. I mean... I would've fallen for him, too. Just look at him. Confidence is indeed sexy! And "Nate"? - right in front of his Lover boy. Ooooh that could be good😅 Oh and I feel anxious Andrew. He is a precious baby in those moments 🥺 And Nathan choose your words careful around him 😅 His poor head is gonna explode from being called lover 😅 And pleeeease reward him afterwards. Just look at his puppy eyes 😭🥺 And wow. All the detail on the sheet 😳 I know you are very detailed but wow. Different colors, different fonds, everything! Love your eye for everything! Love your update Jui. Thank you and your Team 💜


OH MY GOD! Tell me that I’m not the only one who noticed that he wrote the name “Andrew” on the sign in sheet not his Chinese name?! I remember back in episode 17/18 Cleo and Andrew were talking about using Chinese names when you didn’t want to interact with the professor and other names when they did want to interact! HE WROTE ANDREW!!! You sly thing wanting Nathan to actually pay attention to you 💕✨ Honestly same Andrew same 😂🔥


Ugh…. So many feels… I see what Andrew is trying to pass through, but it seems so straining on his poor heart. Whereas Nathan seems convinced that he’s having fun teasing him. Perfect opposites, though I feel for Andrew and how innocent he seems in all this. Going forward he’s going to get hurt! 😞 but it’s worth it for the story build. Love this 🫶

Magena Cermak

It’s been almost three weeks when will the next one come