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Here's chapter 49!! Nathan's apartment!!! Watch Andrew gather his stuffs to move in as soon as he can🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️



Jacky AP

They are so cute 😍❤️and his apartment is so cool, I love it.


Books books and booooks! Even a whole bunch stacked in the corner haha I didn’t imagine his place to look like this but I like it!

Bonjour Kai

Aww Andrew really can't handle it 😂


The blushing cheeks are now one with Andrew :D But it get it. My excitement level is the same. It's so nice to see all the details about what Nathan likes around his apartment (like the wine and books, it looks European?). And how Andrew is noticing it all and just takes it in. But the poor plant :D Nathan is a smart boy but apparently he forgets trivial things like water for plants :D But the "You" reference had me screaming. The teasing - I thought Andrew's heart would stop. You can see his thoughts on his face very clearly. And the last panel is so sweet. Just a simple statement. But it fits so good. They are so precious! 🥺 Can't wait to learn even more about them. Thank you, Jui 😍❤️


Nathan: This is me My brain: ♫ Look out 'cause here I come ♫


oh Kiki😭😭😭😭your comments always bring me such joy <3 I’m really excited for you to read chapter 50 as it kind of goes with this chapter with what you said about how Andrew’s taking it all in from the details to the person standing right in front of him🥰 Thank you for the sweet comment as always!!


Reading is his most favorite thing to do🥺I guess teasing Andrew is a close second


Thank you❤️Perhaps soon it’ll be their apartment, together!! Huhuhuhuhue


I love the wine and books and all the details. I feel with the extra stories here on patreon we already got so many ideas in our heads how their relationship could be, but of course it's something different in the main story. I look so forward to learn more about them! And I totally thought we would get the car ride as the next main location 😂😂😂😂

KLZ The One And The Only

Ughhhhh😫 Too precious. Andrew just scanning the room, taking it all in. You can see how much he wants to learn more about Nathan, and the awe of "so THIS is how the guy I like lives" is so sweet. And have I mentioned I LOVE FLUSTERED ANDREW🥰

Jessica G

I don’t know if Andrew’s heart or my heart can take this Jui 😍


i laughed harder than i should at the You joke 😩 amazing episode as always 🥰


oh noooo... the fluff... my heart 😭♥️ how happy Nathan is to show his apartment and Andrew is the "blush" now 😳 I can't contain the cuteness... probably have to punch a wall now to get it out of my system 😂 and as a fellow plant mom..... rip 😢🌿🙏🏻


Ahaha!! Season 2’s starting focus is gonna be the classic sharing a bed/huddle for warmth, all happening in Nathan’s apartment✨


YESSS He wants to know ALL about Nathan😭❤️your comment says it all!!!


Realtalk: I adore both. But I fall in love with Nathan at first sign! He’s in my Top 10 BL Man. 🥺🥰😍 feel the love 🥺😘


Speaking of their relationship - I was trying to see if that room and bed fit with the NSFW sketch where Nathan was remote teaching a class while 'sitting' on Andrew who was lying on the bed.


As soon as they’re gay I knew there was gonna be during indoor plants somewhere