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Part 1 because there's part 2!!! I wanted to deliver them together as a whole but I've still got a little left to work on for part 2...💀I didn't want to leave you guys waiting when I promised 6pm, so here's part 1!! If you want to wait for the whole chapter to be out, that'll be at 11:20pm EST, so in about less than 5 hours!! >"<

I guess this means this isn't technically the end END yet👀 Wondering if this is why I can't seem to ever finish this chapter?!? Just not fully ready yet to say bye bye to these big dorks T-T I feel cursed...

I hope you guys like part 1!! I'll see you all in a bit for the rest✨

x, Jui



Kai Ochoa




Kai Ochoa

Take your time!!

Miri W



Omg omg!!!! <3 Take your time!! This makes it actually 2 episodes , so the more, the more people enjoy the series for longer! > v< ! Good call!


Ahhhhhh my heart ❤

Katheryn Bolton

THEY WERE FATED TO MEET. This is super nerdy, but as an academic I find this whole plot wonderfully romantic... when will I meet my Nathan or Andrew? How many papers do I need to read or write? 🥺😩💔 TAKE YOUR TIME AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! ❤️

Janoha Novella

D'aww those two make things romantic without even trying. 🥰

Madame Marmelade

THIS WAS SO CUTE WHAT Also, pls take your time I'm not ready to let go, anyways-!


Omg I squealed. They are so adorable 😭 Take your time Jui!!

Georgina Linne-Hensel

Ah oh my gosh😱😍🥰🥰🥰 Nathans smile, sooooo soul candy🥰😍


AHAHAJNANAN WE J A SBFHQKAJ X BSNQKQKQJB ABORT ABORT THE CUTENESS HAS KILLED THE READER. oh those smiles and the full circle ending and the love and the knowing and the teasing. As the lion king once said can you feel the LOVE TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS BRILLIANT COMIC 👏 ❤ the art the characters and writing were so professional. A master class. So i am gonna go calm my heart now ♥


Goodness this chapter is satisfaction because Nathan revealed this to Andrew so beautifully and I am ready to die happy but not yet, because Andrew’s about to say his piece and he looks so confident, content and beautiful and I’m like bby how you’ve grown! What are you going to say!!? Make Nathan blush!!


Wow never thought I would read a new chapter at 7am before I was about to sleep. They are so cute! What Nathan said made me scream. I can’t help it the words are romantic😭He fell with his words first and the destiny brought the guy he stayed up for to the next seat😭it’s beyond a meet cute and I’m crying😭

Jessica G

Juiiiiiii !!!! can’t wait for part 2 ❤️ so sad to say goodbye to these beautiful goofs


I will start the first half of my last Ted Talk for the time being. Because I need to say it now! (Sorry Sorry Sorry! ) I pulled a little bit of a Nathan because it's nighttime here. And tomorrow I will wake up to the second part. Perfect 😁 but please! Take your time! Honestly this was just beautiful to read. Nathan just saying casually that he knows it's Andrew. And Andrew being absolutely adorable and flustered ( my favorite little tomato at this point). And Nathan has a special place for the essay 😭 and there is my second favorite little tomato blushing again 😭 And the shocked and flustered Andrew with his brilliant essay! And the smug look on Nathans face in return like he made the best joke ever :D and I'm melting. Andrew's happy face! How can he be this cute? And that is one of THE sweetest confessions I have ever read. I'm still speechless. How is Nathan so good at this? That was just truly beautiful... With the blushing and the happy face.🥺 And his smile. Oh my gods. I'm weak. I'm just as speechless as Andrew. I swear my heart is pounding just as fast and loud! And I laughed a little because Nathan just casually wraps everything up and wants to go on (that is a lot of papers you have there btw) . Like he didn't just pull the most romantic speech of the whole year. But the "Shall WE go?" made my heart flutter again. And finally for now. I lost it at Andrew's look filled with nothing but love. They just get more and more beautiful 😭😍 Thank you for your hard work Jui♥️ I'll be back in the morning :D

Hoe Lous

is this really the end? 😭 man i must say im in love with your style and the characters overall! amazing work, and i hope someday in the future you will release another webtoon❤️


I can't.... I love this too much. I have so much to say....... The stars just aligned too perfectly for those two, and its so satisfying to see everything fall together! I'm REALLY happy that Nathan outright told Andrew everything that happened to get them to this point (and in such a sweet way😭) and didn't just say "Yeah, I liked your papers a lot." Its almost like he's telling Andrew that he was already falling in love before they even met. It makes me really feckin happy to see him be so expressive of his affection for and feelings toward Andrew, especially so early on in their relationship. The tender expression he has on his face when hes describing how much he liked Andrew's writing and that it was the reason they ended up on the same flight is so sweet and earnest and honestly kinda sexy too... Like I HATE romantic shit in real life, but if my partner were to tell me something like that, I'd be absolutely giddy, and might just jump them... I'm already almost giddy just from reading this first section of the chapter 😭. UGH, MAH HEART I just love how you've been wrapping this all up, Jui, it's so satisfying and sweet and just 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I'm so conflicted. I'm loathe to see Take Off end, and yet I've never been this excited to see the conclusion of a webcomic (and I read a hell of a lot of them)


Nathan's big, bright smile gives me much needed serotonin




Yeah, I had a bit of an essay in response too😂 This chapter is just packed with the good shit. Nathan is just too feckin casual and smooth, while being so sweet, and still getting a good blush from Andrew. I could never...


you take your time♥️ but I think I'll wait for both parts to read them in one go just for the feels ya know 😂


HOW DO I TELL YOU THAT ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU - and that because of who you are and who I got to know independently from your writing I want you/live you even more?!? And how crazy that he doesn’t have any of that context and yet loves his just as much


And how the chapter ends with his face just ready to accept his love?!? And he’s just like , missing all that context but here for all of regardless BC for him it was instant?!??!


I DONT WANT IT TO ENDDDDD! Also thank you for working so hard. Take your time! 💕💕💕💕💕

Lisa Lisa

IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT. God, this declaration was beautiful. I'm so sad it's already ending, I really got attached to the characters


haha im not okay 🥲

Amelia Chan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 20:09:01 just a full ass minute of me screaming kyaaaaaa~ &lt;3
2021-09-26 00:19:29 just a full ass minute of me screaming kyaaaaaa~ <3

just a full ass minute of me screaming kyaaaaaa~ <3

x Angel

Reading this comic makes the saying “cries happy tears” so true. It’s like we’re all sad to say goodbye but also it’s been one hell of a flight 😉 thank you jui ^.^


This makes me so incredibly happy and sad at the same time; I haven't been here for a long time, but I love these boys so much and I'm so attached to them. They're such wonderful characters, Jui! So I'm super sad that this is ending, but nonetheless have enjoyed this journey with the boys extremely much. This whole chapter is so sweet too!!!


Omg this was so sweet!!!


Take your time. Loved this love speech. Such sweet words.

Aivi Nguyen

Flabbergasted Andrew IS TOO DAMN ADORABLE. Nathan being so frank and giving to Andrew all straight is also GAHHH mY HEART CANT TAKE IT 😭😭😭

Aivi Nguyen

Also why am I only just realising the paper says NEW DORK UNIVERSITY 😭😂😂😂

Chelsy Terry

I don't wanna say good bye to them yet! I'm going to miss them so much!


Yeeees. Team Essay :D You summed it up perfectly. Especially the part about the perfectly aligned stars. Oh dear I'm a sucker for soulmate like stuff. Ooh you really put it into a perfect description! 🙏🏻😁