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Edit: Forgot to say it's read from left to right!!!

Sorry about the wait!! Whatever happened to "illustration" became a short 2-page comic because I GOT REALLY INTO IT AH-- All the NSFW alternative endings I contemplate for Take Off...😔Hope you guys like the whole thing!! There's with text and no text versions💕

x, Jui




Lord my happy eyes!


Oh Bro. I was not ready today. I'm so sorry, but I'm laughing so hard :D Because the "Bro" reminds me of censorship - Like "Oh no. No kissing.That's just CPR.Just helping my Bro" Something like that. But to turn it into a 2 page comic. Is that the power of a God? I'm wheezing because of the Text. Nathan like "Oh what do we have here?" and all confident and *Surprise *. But he is so into it and taking it all like a hungry/horny rabbit. And Andrew is so flustered and shy at first. But makes a 180 and looks so concentrated and hot. It's just perfection. The blushing, the eyes and faces eating each other alive and all flirty, the whole scenario. I don't know whose view is better. A great alternate ending🙏🏻 Thank you for that treat in between chapters, Jui 🙏🏻 Incredible context and artwork ♥️

Jacky AP

🤤🤤🤤Nothing more to say 🤤🤤🤤


For some reason when I read the bro part I heard it as an Aussie accent xD idk why also love this short!


And then they get caught lol


LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO-- they're not even trying to hide any of it anymore at this point😔


Even upon *discovering* Andrew's big big arousal Nathan's still just teasing and enjoying it!! XD The "hungry/horny rabbit" description is so on point omfg✨😭Thank you Kiki❤️


The flight attendants: *clapping* The twins behind the seat: *paying up after losing a bet, also clapping* The people in the seats next to them: 😯


tasty meal 👅


I'll just say I was hoping it would start with Nathan asleep with his head in Andrew's lap and getting woken up because his pillow was lumpy. Not saying I'm unhappy at all - just greedy.


soon their butt cheeks will be what's clapping😌😌😌


well fuck patreon for not giving me the notification on time (kinda just got it, don't know why tho) BUT THANKS BRO FOR THAT MASTERPIECE! thanks bro for finally getting the images in my head on screen! now i can have piece if finally seen this! its fucking hot btw.... like hell would be colder than this🔥 but thanks bro! *wipes manly tear from cheek*💖


What's with d "bro" omg🤣🤣💔💔the art thoo😩😩🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


oh my gawd bro