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Hi everyone!! Thanks for your suggestions for this month's NSFW illustration! I've collected them and created this poll for everyone to vote on. I've made it so you can vote for as many options as you want, as some ideas are more open-ended/can be used simultaneously with other ideas!

And just a reminder that the idea(s) with the most votes will be used for this month's illustration, while other ideas may turn into sketches✨it'll be worth it, so please vote your hearts out!! The poll ends on May 11th.

Thanks so much again❤️




so many great options how dare you make me choose one 😭😭😭


making you guys choose so I don't have to make the difficult decision🥺🥺💕truly tho they're all such good ideas I could almost draw them as separate chapters!!


I meannnn, if you want to make them as separate chapters we're ABSOLUTELY here for it (i personally voted for 5 different ideas🤷‍♀️)


Ya'll i'm- the ideas are so good i couldn't choose just one


Yes I agree!! You (jui) should do illustrations in order of highest to lowest votes~~ That would be great but NO PRESSURE <333


I think the jealousy fuck and the tied to bed nd full control thingy could be really nice together.. you know what I mean? Some of the options could be really nice combined...


Just if it's not to much tho but it would make a little story (sry for broken english - greetings from germany ❤️) (Ps: pls do a trigger warning if you really draw smth with knive play)


If only time was kinder and let me get through all of these ideas😭I'm thinking if they become separate chapters that'll probably happen when they do get together!!💕


and it feels like such a close call rn it's amazing😭😭


I'll see what I can do given the time!! And yes of course, if there's ever blood/gore I'll be putting in trigger warnings!! I prob won't draw too much of them though because jfdhkjgh I'm not that good/experienced at drawing that 😭😭😭and no need to apologize!! I rly appreciate the support💕


Definitely voted for a few! They’re all so good!!