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Hi Everyone,

As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I'll be taking a brief hiatus because I feel a bit burned out as I'm currently dealing with relocating back to Taiwan and there's a lot of things I need to sort out personally.

I apologize for the delivering this on such short notice, as I thought I could create enough to update a chapter for all of you this week, but what I want to do is currently beyond what I'm capable of. I'm really sorry.

Take Off will return on February 11th! Chapter 12 will be posted then, and I'll do my best to build some buffer during this time too.

If by any chance Take Off will be updated earlier, I'll be announcing that both here on Patreon and on my Instagram.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding!

x, jui


Kai Ochoa

I know my comment is very very late, but always be sure to rest. We will be here when you get back. XD