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You are just about to enjoy some private time alone when a time traveler bursts out of your closet and begs you to help her!

This week's audio is both an SFW and NSFW in one, so I'd really appreciate it if you would listen to the first half over on YouTube just so Part One doesn't tank from not getting any views! Here's the link: https://youtu.be/FwqvgX6LBbM

If you're coming here from YouTube then Part Two starts at the 12:56 mark!




This one's great and very creative! I love how NS69FW mixes her clinical tone with a lot of passion for the subject. It's nice how she decides to take one for the team. The way it turns from scientific to overtly sexual is so hot!

Carlos Contreras-loor

Wait you broke your desk? Ur a real one for the realism