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I have marked with a star(★) those paintings that I particularly like.

1. Curved Road and Snow

2. Building and Snow★

3. Snowscape view from the Museum★

4. Snowscape Seen from the Museum

5. Farmland and Snow

6. Rice Field and Snow

7. Rice Field and Snow★

8. Ski Lesson in an Elementary Schoolyard★

9. Greenhouse, Snow, and Wheel Tracks

10. Roof Covered with Snow★

11. Snow, Cemetery, and a Walking Dog★

12.  person who slips★

13. Bonfire and Shrine Maiden★

14. Bonfire and Shrine Maiden★

15. Study of a Bonfire and Shrine Maiden★

16. Burning Daruma

17. Sketch of Fire★

18. Ancient People Harvesting Rice★

19. Ancient People Harvesting Rice★

20. Statue 'Blissful Moment' and Snow

21. Statue 'Blissful Moment' and Snow (the next day)

22. Statue 'Blissful Moment' and Snow(pastel)★

23. Statue 'Blissful Moment' and Snow(pastel)

I like to see people shoveling snow. I like to see people walking hard. I like being in the snow. I like people hitting the stove at the station they finally arrive at.

Am I a fool for not wanting "normal times"? Snow is a beautiful but mild disaster. But my eyes were looking for them.

Late last year, a friend of mine died. This year, a manga artist I admire died. Both were the worst possible endings, the result of my disgust with this world.

There are too many things that disgust me these days.

I am now unable to identify with color.

I have been forcing myself to "pretend" to be human.

Especially in the last year. I have worked many jobs and have more social flexibility than before.

But I remain neglectful of the essential work that I should be doing as a human being.

For example, I cannot open DMs, be it Twitter, Patreon(sorry), or physical letters. I want to open them, but I just can't help but feel anxious and have palpitations.

It has even caused me to receive important letters from the court.

Also, I still have several requests that I accepted a year ago and have not finished.

This year, I will calm down and work steadily.

I also need to open the 99+ DMs I got from you guys soon.

That is still not today...still.




Fire is so hard to draw.

Brantly McCord

I'm so sorry to hear about your losses! I think the work we do to "pretend" to be human is a lot like shoveling snow: it's hard work, but it's very important work to keep the path clear for ourselves and for others (and if we do it too much without help, we'll become exhausted; we must not forsake our own health)! I know you will find the strength to read those messages when you are ready! And I especially love your sketches of snow and people performing labor: it gives me the courage to keep working, but also to stay soft!