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I am a little better. Sorry to make you worry.

I suffer from a mental disorder every year from fall to the winter solstice.

I used to think it was simply seasonal depression.

However, I was recently diagnosed with low oxygen levels at a medical hospital. The cause is asthma (also seasonal).

My health is now stable with the use of an inhaler.

These days I have been learning and recuperating.

Old Chinese books are interesting. I am currently reading Zhuangzi.

I got into the habit of reading books while pedaling my aerobike. And meditation.

I am too illiterate. I am a wild child who has lived my life avoiding school and the intellectual realm.

I am Banality Evil.

It seems that my exhibit requires more than just artwork and courage.

I could not prepare a picture to show you guys.

For that I am sorry.

Thank you.


Brantly McCord

I'm glad you were able to get an asthma diagnosis! That's a little less uncertainty in your life! Take plenty of care!

Victor Lu

Hi there, I too suffer from low oxygen level sometimes, due to sinusitis, so I guess I can somehow relate. Glad to hear you are better! 頑張って! Also I like cycling too, I find it very interesting that you can read books while pedaling...that's some crazy skill lol! Seriously though, please stay safe!