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My mental health is as unstable as ever.  However, I have learned how to anticipate and counteract falling, and how to change my mood. I have learned to set up buffers in my life and to build instability into stability.

Over the past few years, I have learned about my own characteristics by living with friends. I learned to choose and buy appropriate medications.

I learned about my dissatisfactions and how to compensate for them through entertainment and experiences. I returned to my parents' home and learned that my mother loved me.

I think I may have gradually come to understand what the world calls "life". It seemed to be a lot more deliberate and deliberate than I had thought.

The reason I am doing so well is because of all the people who have given me support without any reward. Thank you very much. You are the reason I'm still alive. 

But let me rely on you a little more. This year, I decided to take or create a job to make money. Right now, I'm making and selling calendars (as an exercise). I also plan to make postcards and large art boards.

I really want to be the first to deliver them to you. I am looking into ways to sell them outside the country. However, this is somewhat advanced for me right now. Please be patient and wait a little longer.


As a Japanese, I have a few things to say.

The current Japanese government is corrupt. However, there is no evil boss. It is one big creature, the government, run amok by pure dynamics. I think of Theo Jansen's Strandbeast. (Sorry, Theo.) A friend of mine referred to it as "Sin" from FFX. (Sorry, Ebon.)

Because the government is corrupt, education is also corrupt. Because the government is corrupt, education is also corrupt. For example, if a fourth grader uses kanji that a fifth grader learns, points will be deducted from the test. This is because it is not the correct answer. People who have received this kind of education for 12 years make up Japanese society and culture.

My social anxiety, the clean and violence-free streets, the  higher number of suicides than in other countries, the beautiful anime,  porn culture, convenience stores, and the forced Olympics all have the same underlying roots.

But I was optimistic. I thought that one day there would be a major international problem and things would improve from there. But the Olympics are going ahead, and the IOC is not going to stop them.

On the contrary, exploitation and wars are still going on all over the world, and even the UN can't do anything about it, even though it is a known fact.

I don't think any country is at fault, or anyone is at fault.

The real enemy is the biological system of destruction and regeneration itself.

And I think it can be our friend.

I always draw flowers and animals with this thought in mind.

There is no meaning. Thank you for reading this.

(Translated by DeepL.)



I would be very interested in the calendar and/or postcards! Much love from Norway<3


i hope you continue to survive and thrive♥️♥️♥️

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

I'm glad you've done such good personal work! Your political points are well-made and sound very accurate. The art is absolutely lovely!


Please let us know if you sell items available outside of Japan, I would be interested in purchasing ♥️

John Fiala

I look forward to seeing what you create next, and I'm glad you seem to be doing better. Good luck!


Great job! A small off-topic nitpick though: the translation by DeepL is amazingly good but I hope you keep learning English. As a Russian I can safely tell you that English is a must. A vast amount of cutting edge knowledge awaits you, including the freshest findings in mental health sciences.


I am so sorry you have been struggling. The world can seem like a terrible place sometimes but there are plenty of things that make life beautiful. I think your artwork is one of those things. I hope you can continue to grow and feel healthy.

Harry Payne

Thank you for letting us know. I know this can be difficult to share. Keep looking after yourself, and I await your store with interest.


Always happy to support you and glad you are doing better. Be well out there and take care of yourself too!

Louis Holding

I have been following your work since 2016 and have seen your amazing progress since then! We are all completely happy to unconditionally support you, and I hope you do well in life :) sending love from England!

Tazer Silverscar

Very happy to continue supporting! Even though it's not much, eheh. I know how you feel though, my mental health is in general pretty unstable, and I'm also disabled, so controlling it is rather difficult. I'm actually learning Japanese at the moment, so I am aware of how difficult it is. I like a challenge though, I didn't take it up because it was easy. Unfortunately I don't know enough to translate this, but I'd sure like to be able to post in Japanese some time.


I hope you are staying the course and doing well. I think about you and your work often. Preparing for the hard times is the best thing you can do. I am happy and proud that you are working to look after your future self like that


It is very good to hear that things are improving for you. I’m very glad to hear it. Thank you for sharing your progress and your art, and your perspective on your government


You are the only person I support on Patreon - really admire you and your work and glad to hear you are doing so much better. Looking forward to see what items you create for sale especially overseas, and excited to support you.


It's interesting to read your thoughts. I wonder by writing these thoughts out, does it help relief the stress they hold you with?


i will always support you, keep moving forward