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I'm not satisfied with the animation of the leaves, so I'm redrawing them.

compare and see. https://twitter.com/nekonomeido/status/1328103299040518145


I've never been confident in my work.

I am always showing you work that I am not confident in.

So this patreon is both a lifeline and a source of anxiety for me.

To begin with, I probably don't like paintings. I'm not particularly fond of illustration, anime, games, or even pixel art.

I've studied the history of painting, I've played a lot of games. I've also watched a lot of anime. I've drawn enough pixel art to get a job. I like them a little. I like them a little, but not to my heart's content.

I like landscapes, sunshine, wind, light, colors, and smells.

I just want to trap them in a GIF. That's why I make "something, a moving image".

The pixel GIFs I've made so far are different from "animations" and "paintings". I've been calling them "paintings" for convenience, but strictly speaking, they should be called "fake game screens". The pixels kept the "something" I was creating in its existing context.

But I got tired of the low resolution. And I moved away from pixels. Because of that, my work lost its "fake game screen" form and became "something".

I'm struggling to figure out where this "something" will land.

It took me two years to realize this.

This is the first step in solving the problem.

Please wait a little longer until I am more confident.

This is my apology. Thank you.




It's great to see you finding your own path! Keep going :)


It's courageous of you to share work you're not confident in and yet your work is totally beautiful! Congratulations on another great work. We'll be here to keep looking at it!

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

I totally understand that "wanting to trap the beauty you see in the world" feeling. The art you create reflects a powerful sense of space and time; a subjective reality that can be shared with others.

Brantly McCord

Take your time! We hope you'll find it in you to love and care for yourself while you continue to explore art! We're rooting for you as you take your next step toward discovery!


I've been following you since 2016 and it's been wonderful to see your art style evolve and change over time. Your pictures always brighten my day, especially during these last couple stressful years. I look forward to seeing the new art you create no matter what style it is.


Your command of the English language is also changed over these years. I wish to complement you on it.


Please do what makes you happiest. We are here to support you no matter what.

Massimo Fiorentino

You know - it is always when several - sometimes very unrelated - things are put together, that something marvellous can happen. Even stuff that can change the world in small or big increments for you or others. Especially if they are derived from a passion or deep interest, so this is the right way forward for you - no matter what you may call it. Keep going!

Emanuele Barone

I hope you find a destination that you like in this journey. Me, I like the steps along the way, so I am going to keep following.

The Packbats

Your eye for details and feeling of the details of the spaces you depict is excellent - may you find a medium that lets you create works with the expressiveness you've been seeking.


There is no need to apologize. Although I always thought your work was amazing I've only seen you grow since I became a patron of your work. I am happy to see any work from you regardless of how you do it. I also have to say your English has improved a lot since I first started to follow you. Try to be proud of yourself you are an amazing artist!


Nice self-reflection. Self-reflecting people are the best people!


Your art is an inspiration to me, and I think you are very close to capturing that "something" you are looking for, because to me, I feel that in your artwork. I bet when you find it, your art will reach a completely different level. Even if it's already amazing, I believe in you to find what you're looking for.


Man you gotta trust us, we think you have your very own unique perspective on things like daily objects and landscapes. I like your pixel-arts but you know, this new style is just darn fascinating. Keep it up!


Hey man, finally got a time to rethink and post a comment, Art has no form. What you do even though you think it's a fake but it's not. It is in fact the original. The original of what you thought and made. I found your job randomly when I was young, since then I admire your work. I remember visiting your blog time to time. I wish you do what you feel and be happy. You won't lose me by doing what you want. Take care.


You absolutely nailed it