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I think I've probably already been infected. I originally had weak lungs, but my symptoms were mild and I recuperated while painting in my room. They are already recovering. I think it's a blessing that I've been paying attention to my diet on a regular basis. It's all thanks to your support. Thank you so much.

I'm a backward-looking person, so I can't draw a "get over the pinch" kind of picture for this situation. I'm sorry I haven't been able to act in a way that encourages everyone.

I tried using deepl.com translator for translation.

Maybe my usual poor English is better




このメッセージにはDeepLを使ってみましたので、わかりやすいといいなと思います。元気になってきたようで何よりです!残りの回復が楽になるといいですね 前向きになることや、どんな状況でも絵を描くことを気にする必要はありません。健康に集中してくださいね! 早く良くなるように <3


I hope you feel better. Stay safe (as possible)

Emanuele Barone

Please continue to take care of yourself, keep an eye on your health.

Tazer Silverscar

The DeepL translation reads pretty well, don't worry about that. Hope you're looking after yourself, take care!


Try to stay safe and take care of yourself.

Brantly McCord

Sorry to hear about this health scare! Take good care of yourself, first and foremost: a good recovery is a complete recovery! We'll all be here, no matter the time it takes, so do feel free to take your time! (and the DeepL translation is working well, so no worries there either!)


I'm glad to hear you're recovering! Keep taking care of yourself. Your health is the most important

Harry Payne

Please look after yourself.

The Packbats

Thank you for letting us know - stay safe!


Glad to know you didn't get hit too hard by it and that you're recovering. Wishing you the best of health!