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I have avoided political talks until now , but please give me a little weak sound.

Recent Japan is in a very bad situation. Big corporate misconceptions that occur every few days, major media that doesn't report them at all, rotting politics, declining birthrate and aging, recession.They are complex and interrelated spaghetti.And every day, amazing bad news arrives at me. 

(That's why I'm afraid of society and make painting a living. So thanks to everyone at Patrons. Thank you as always. )

Most young people are not interested in politics.

These are explained just as indifference and neglect, but the reality is"praise", "helplessness", "dissociation". So there is no brave demonstration like France or Hong Kong. Some people say that thinking about the country is bad for mental health.I think so too. 

I don't know what I want to do with this sentence. However, there is one thing I want to clarify.  I don't hate any country. I hope peace. The war is irrational. At least, useless hatreds will not further threaten our lives. 

This was my weak sound. I'm sorry for my bad English. see you. 



I'm quite aware about the multiple problems Japan is going through right now and honestly it's all to blame on Abe. The government is fucked. Forcing people to go back to living in fukushima by taking away the compensation homes, raising the radiation safety level of food to lie that its safe to eat the food from fukushima, demolishing apartments to build the Tokyo Olympic stadium, and oh boy there's way way way more.


If you need someone to rant and vent out your frustrations I'm here mate.


Can someone explain what the "big corporate misconceptions" are that he's referring to?


What you say is definitely true, it's sad.

Brantly McCord

We feel for you! In this age of information, those who couldn't speak before now have a stronger voice, and we become aware of suffering, depression, and oppression. It can be heartbreaking, especially when it isn't clear how we can contribute! But, as you said, hope is perhaps the best thing we can have. Hope is the concrete beneath society's feet, and as hard as it can be to keep, it allows us to contribute and help others when the time is right! Take care!




ごめんなさい。最近、アメリカは同じような問題があります。私も悲しいです。 日本語が下手、失礼します。


This is a very difficult thing. I am glad you are aware of yourself. I wish you the very best.


The world is in a politically bad state in general at the moment. However, your work makes it a slightly better place, so thank you.


現時点では、イギリスも非常に悲しい場所です。 しかし、あなたのアートは世界をわずかにより良い場所にします。 ありがとう、1041uuu。

S. R.



I understand the meaning of what you are saying. I enjoy reading what you write. In the USA we also have great troubles. I feel like it is bad everywhere with different reasons. I hope that it will get better for us all. ❤️


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it is good to reach out to others in times like these <3


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading it from a perspective of a Japanese citizen. I feel this way about our world too. I wish for peace. It is sad there is lots of corruption out there.


And your English is good! I can understand it.


I want to offer what I give myself, "there is work to do".


<3 Feeling fatigue about the national and even global stage is pretty common, I think. It all feels so big and difficult, and often like those in power are apathetic or even cruel in their disregard for their community. Sending you love and understanding from America.

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

These feelings of helplessness are valid. It felt like that in the US for me not long ago. Keep taking care of yourself and making your little piece of the world better - it genuinely helps.


Believe me, we understand. In the USA right now, it is difficult.