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my old works is ugly so I am going to edit all

This month I was busy with two work

busy is bad

One is examination for Shibuya Pixel Art contest.

Another one is

artbook for pixelart ( without? videogame)

title "ピクセル百景(mean: pixel hundred views)"

I draw for front cover  and Interview.

This book release in June in Japan maybe

I'll explain more information later 


Brantly McCord

Your work is beautiful, past and present! It's clear to see that it always comes from a special, passionate place, and that is something that all of us fortunate viewers can appreciate! You have such a big heart, wanting to return to your old work and give it new love! Take care!


Aw bit harsh to call the original ugly I think :) but regardless nice work in the alteration! Thanks for posting along with the original as it’s nice seeing how far you’ve come ^_^ really like the detailed cityscape you added in the distance! All the best with the pixel art contest and congrats for being chosen to do a magazine cove O_O

Massimo Fiorentino

Great work and great progress although I also like the old version!


Your work has always been inspiring and beautiful to me. I think it's great you want to redo some of your stuff but I think that it was beautiful in it's own way. You are just improving on perfection.


It's beautiful!


I would love to order the book you made cover art for


Just remember Sherlock Holmes's dictum: the supreme gift of an artist is knowledge of when to stop.