'The Next Animation' Voting Guideline (Patreon)
Here I will outline the complete guide on how the voting system will work for my patrons.
As part of a way to get my supporters more engaged, I've decided to let them decide on what they want to see! With the introduction of Patreon Polls, this becomes possible to achieve!
Tier Level Guidelines
Every patron of mine will get a chance to vote on the next animation to be made! This is just an extra perk added on to the already included perks. So for example, if you are in the Video / $10 tier, you will still get to see WIP videos, images, and NSFW Content alongside being able to vote.
If you are a in the $20 / 'Animation Idea', you get to decide on an Animation Idea!
When the time comes, you can write a comment on what kind of male muscle growth animation you'd like to see next inside a dedicated post that I will put up for such ideas. You can also privately message me with the idea. You will get around a week to decide, then I will add your idea as a poll option for voting to take place.
You can also just decide to vote on an animation idea if you don't want to come up with anything. But it has to be either an Animation Idea entry, or a vote, not both.
What kind of Animation Ideas can I submit?
After such a long time creating the officer growth animation, I've decided to go back to the shorter but to-the-point animations. So think of ideas that could be shown at the max 20 seconds, or less. That way, the animations can come out more frequently, and other patrons get the chance for their ideas to be made. I will create exclusive scenes for $10 & above patrons if the idea doesn't have it already. The Illustration rewards have been switched with this 'Animation Idea' perk.
The Voting Process
So a quick look at the whole process:
I post an idea suggestion post for 'Animation Idea' tier patrons > They submit ideas (1 week to submit) > Voting Begins (Lasts 1 week) > Winning animation gets made
Also everyone should note that you must be a current patron at the time the voting ends to make sure your vote counts. I don't know how Patreon handles votes with pledges, so do consider that just to be sure your vote gets counted.
--Have fun! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with and want to see! :)