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-Idea Descriptions:

Idea G -  “Three college students discover a super-solider serum and share it among themselves. They start growing, and after the growth have a threesome.”

Idea H -  "Just before a meeting, a young office worker spikes the drink of a colleague whom he has a crush on, with a muscle growth formula. Things take a turn when their boss enters the room and also drinks from the formula. The colleague starts the presentation when the formula kicks in and he starts growing, his sleeves getting tighter, his voice dropping and his bulge getting bigger and bigger. He tries to continue as if nothing’s happening but the growth is pleasurable so he can't help to let out some moans. Meanwhile, the boss also starts growing on his suit, his neck and lats getting wider, his pecs straining the buttons of his shirt. The meeting is interrupted when the buttons of the boss' shirt bursts, freeing his meaty hairy pecs. Upon watching this, the other man gets aroused, accelerating his own growth, bursting through his clothes. The boss keeps growing into a more rounded-bulk hairy brute, becoming dominant, as he watches his now hunkier and manlier employee with fiery lust on his eyes."

Idea I - "A 20-something baby-faced Latino (Sam) touches a magic diamond on a pedestal by a lake and grows, with a bit of pain and a lot of pleasure, into a muscular 30-something (taller, slightly hairier, more masculine features etc). An American tourist in his 20’s (Henry) has been watching hidden on a tree, amazed and aroused at the transformation. Sam strips naked to wash off the sweat in the lake, when suddenly Henry's branch snaps and he falls in as well. He worships Sam for a bit, causing him further growth. Sam then offers Henry the diamond. He grows in a similar way to Sam, bursting out of his soaking wet clothes, and the two men proceed to have fun with each other".



Idea I sounds very familiar


Yes, that was the point. It's meant to be an homage to muscle growth artist Salvador, who passed away last May.


H and I are a hard choice

Jessica Delicatessen

idea I is definitely from a comic back a few years ago or so...It would be awesome to see your take on it though


G seems do perfect

Rood Inverse

As much as I loved the descriptions in I, part of me really wants to see a "Taka" version of a boring office meeting.

Nicolas Garcia

Oh wow that’s really sad. I used to subscribe to his patreon and knew he had cancer. When he didn’t post in awhile, I was afraid of what happened :(. He was a talented artist and I hope he rests easy 🙏

Jessica Delicatessen

oh my gosh, I was unaware of that completely, that is so sad to hear. my condolences go out to him :(