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Hey there guys~! ^_^

Thank you all for participating in the limited time test of doing Mini Animations~!

I wanted to just have a place where you all could put your thoughts on the event we did for a few months.

From my side, even if the animations were shorter, my perfectionist nature and attempt to put in detail on par to the main animations made me spend more time on them than I would have like to :/ So they probably won't be returning, though the monthly voting and reward aspect of it I feel I can maybe work with it in another way. Such as a monthly sketch illustration (Like the ones during the main animation voting) or something like that.

But what was it from y'alls side? ^_^ You are my high tier patrons and I appreciate each and every one of you~! Thank you for participating in this with me~! :)





I appreciate the quality in each of them! It's apparent that you put effort and time into the mini animations. I wouldn't mind it if you slowed down on them or stopped altogether though, if it means less stress for you and more production time spent on the main animations. Everything you've put out has been *chef's kiss* quality so far, so if you need to allocate more time to your bigger projects I'd understand. I like the sketch idea, and maybe it'd be neat to see some short, 3-4 panel muscle growth comics? Maybe still images could be perks for patrons, with mini animations thrown in every now and again. I love your work and am excited to see whatever you choose to produce!


First of all, thanks for offering to hear our feedback! Having new content on a set schedule was a very exciting change of pace :D I loved having something complete to look forward to every month. It's also true that the quality of the mini animations were about on par with your main ones, which I greatly appreciated. What I was less than thrilled with was the fact that of the 5 seconds of the animation, about 1 second was the growth itself. It simply went by too fast for me to enjoy. I understand you need to let a narrative "breathe", even ones as short as these. And I also understand it must have been a great time-saving measure, given that you had only about 20 days to make each animation. It's just that most of it might as well have been two still images - "before" and "after". This is why I thought up of the last idea in a way that allowed for growth throughout, which was much better :) I should also consider what you write in this post, namely that you had to put in more time than you would have liked to. As your channel grows and animation ideas tend to include ever more people and elaborate scenarios, I am interested in you avoiding stress and burnout moving forward. Partly for the sake of you being able to keep making art for us, of course, but also because I'd frankly be heartbroken to see you driven to exhaustion by something you used to love so much. So, how to make the $20 tier appealing on a monthly basis while keeping the workload reasonable and focused on the main animation? Personally, I'd suggest this: - Replacing mini animations with sketch illustrations. Most of the runner-up sketches you do already fit the bill for me - a handful (more than a couple) greyscale drawings that tell the idea's story through highlights. I've had sketches made of my ideas twice and consider them a worthwhile investment of $20. - Secondary suggestion: When there is a vote for a main animation idea, the runner up gets sketches as usual, but also a mini animation of a part of their idea, kind of like you once did with the Thugs. This way there is still a mini animation every now and then, and you get to do it at a possibly less stressful time between main projects (although I understand if you'd like to take this time to relax a little!) - If you ever choose to make mini-animations for a few months in a row again, start the voting process for subsequent ideas at about the 20th, so that you end up with a winner at the beginning of the month and have the full 30 days to work on it. Finally managed to write this without hitting Enter instead of Shift+Enter...thank you for taking the time to read this, and for trying something new these past few months. As always, you have my support and I wish you all the best!


For me, the mini animations were an excellent way to stave off anxiety about the main animation’s release, as they gave us something to look forward to on a predictable basis. However, I can clearly see the down sides of continuing them in terms of what an investment of time and energy they must have been for you, and understand why you’re choosing to end them for the time being. Thank you for doing them at all! Jumping off of what was suggested above, I’d agree you should have monthly rewards in the form of comic panels similar to the runner up idea illustrations. Although, what I would add is the suggestion to set up those reward polls based on the runner up ideas we’ve already had. Instead of some new idea somebody has, at least for a while. That way the rewards can serve as expansions of the old idea and give you something more to pick up from, if they should get chosen for main animations in the future. This method also helps prevent disappointment from people who may feel that the sketches are just teases of their ideas, which might never get realized beyond a couple pictures. I appreciate you taking feedback Taka, and wish you all the best!


Agree with the comments above. I would just add that $20/month is a lot. One animation/month doesn’t seem worth it; especially, if people at $10/month get the same content. It’s difficult to know how long these things take so we have to defer to your judgement that you find the right balance between rest and work, providing regular content while at the same time having enough downtime to continue enjoying what you”re doing. I’d love to see some sort of weekly engagement, even if it’s just a drawing, a poll or shared fantasy stories. Something that doesn’t take you a lot of time but makes us feel engaged and part of the process.